Slot Canyon

Compressed Earth Block , Forever Home, Montrose, Colorado

Compressed Earth Block home with blocks by Arizona Adobe completely nestled in the landscape of the western slope of Colorado. South facing winter courtyard planted with deciduous trees with roof overhangs designed to provide shade from the harsh summer sun and allow the slanted winter light to penetrate deeply into the thick earthen walls when the leaves have gone. The studio and living space also frame a summer courtyard. Shaded with cottonwoods and a stream flowing by, the summer courtyard provides respite from the heat as well as a gentle winter microclimate of moisture and habitat.

Slot Canyon Walls; a forever home for an artist and an engineer built to respond to the seasons of the year and seasons of life and to touch lightly on the planet.

This project was a design collaboration with Electra Johnson & Tim Hodsdon


Scandinavian Pre Fab House. Colorado Springs, Colorado


Bourbon Porch House, Lexington Kentucky